aleppo seife grafik

A searchword and its story

Aleppo seife

« Here is the German index of this website

Now, what is this? Isn't one Aleppo seife (aleppo soap) domain enough? Why this one, pointing to

Complicated, huh? Don't worry, I´ll explain it in a minute, and then it will be even more complicated. Cus it´s about German language, and what a world famous search engine has done to it.

Aleppo soap - here is a description of what that is, if you like - is written in two words. In English, that is. Aleppo seife, however (that is Aleppo soap in German), is written in one word.

But I'm going to write Aleppo seife in two words, here. Not to make it less complicated, but because search engines can be complicated.
Most people build a website and search-engine themselves. But I usually search-engine Aleppo seife (in one word). Some day, when I happily entered Aleppo seife in one word again, the result was as usual. My pals' and my website was listed first. But at the same time, the search engine raised a silly question:
Did you mean: Aleppo Seife.
No, I didn't mean Aleppo seife. Had I meant Aleppo seife, I´d have entered that term, after all. But this weird alternative made me curious, of course.

So I clicked Aleppo seife and found a completely different list, where our Aleppo seife page was somewhere between las Malvinas and Tierra Cienfuegos. Far, far away, on page 7 of the results, maybe.
OK. That´s why I´m writing Aleppo seife in two words here, even though it is bad German, and not what I have learnt in school.

OK now, meet the Ceylonreiher. Ceylon speaks for itself (although I agree it should be Sri Lanka these days, but that would confuse us Germans, because it would be written in two words). Reiher stands for egret or heron. This combination of Ceylon and Reiher means that this egret comes from Ceylon. I entered the Ceylonreiher into that search machine, and got a search result from an Italian website which no longer exists (now this aleppo seife website is the only place in the www where you can find the Ceylonreiher, I suppose).

Anyway, the point of my little bit of research was to learn if the search engine would offer me a Ceylon reiher, instead of a Ceylonreiher. It didn´t. And it was right. Because the prepositional denotative relationship of Ceylonreiher is a direction - the origin of this bird. Gardengate (yes, I know, you write it in two words) would be a prepositional denotative relationship of a direction (into the garden, or maybe out of it).

The term of Aleppo seife (in one word, of course) is a combination of Aleppo and seife (Aleppo and soap). So it is soap from Aleppo, just as the Ceylonreiher is a Reiher from Ceylon. But should get a problem, just because a worldfamoussearchengine doesn´t know this?
Be ware. (Did I mean beware?)


Aleppo seife seitlich
Aleppo seife profile

Aleppo seife frontal
Aleppo Seife head-on